Oscar Senn
Left us on March 10, 2020. His death was completely unexpected, shocked and surprised me. In Oskar Senn, Oski, as we all called him, I have lost a loyal and committed friend for me, my family and my island.
In 2010 he came to Ikaria for the first time to dance Greek. Since then, he himself has called Ikaria his favorite island and his heart has always been here. He came to Ikaria several times a year. He loved Greek dance more than anything and I think back with emotion to his last dance with us, his beloved Zeimpekiko, on March 1st in Basel!
He always encouraged me to organize dance weeks and workshops and he was the initiator of the Dance Days in Basel.
In 2012 he found out that Selina, my daughter’s, graduating class at the time was unable to go on their high school graduation trip to Crete for financial reasons. He quickly decided to donate something for the children. Out of gratitude, the children invited him to their graduation party in Ikaria at the end of the year. An unforgettable experience for him!! (Read Oski’s moving report: Oskar and the graduating class)
Oski was a dedicated supporter of Ikaria and my fundraising efforts. The idea for the “Friends of Ikaria” came from him and he has conscientiously managed the Swiss donation account over the years, often “rounding up” something from his own funds. Over the years we have been able to collect a lot of donations and do good things together.
Read about it:
Donations for the hospital in Ikaria
Donations for the youth sports club
Toilets for elementary schools
But all that wasn’t enough for Oski. During the Greek economic crisis, he occasionally contributed a small amount to my children’s studies from his own pocket. I know he did this for several other young people over the years. “Investing in youth education is the only way forward!” was his motto. He was a good person and he believed in the good in people.
He often said to me: “Me and my family, we Swiss, are doing so well, and yet we complain. We don’t even know what we’re missing. It’s so easy to do good and yet everyone only thinks about themselves! I would like to give another example. That makes me happy.”
Say goodbye – again and again in different ways and preserve the memory. Oski believed in reincarnation. We will not forget you! May you be well where you are now, may you dance your beloved Zeimpekiko with those who are with you!
We will do it here, yes as soon as we can again, and every time we hear your favorite song, “To zeimpekiko tis Evdokias” by Manos Loizos, we will think of you and raise a glass to you and remind ourselves of your motto:
Εδώ και τώρα! Edó ke tóra!
Finde dein Glück im Hier und Jetzt!
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