Pantelis and Ursula KastaniasYou can meet us in our gift and souvenir store in the famous “Asterix Village” in Christos Raches. Just ask for Ursula and Pantelis, everyone knows us!

Our store is in the middle of the main village of Raches, in the pedestrian zone, under one of the hundred-year-old plane trees.

Christos Raches is a magical place. A true retreat, where the hustle and bustle of everyday life doesn’t matter. We are lucky to live and work in the center of the Blue Zones. Christos Raches: *called the village that never sleeps*, where time seems to stand still. Everyone has heard of it!

Raches is always worth a trip!

My recommendation for the best times of day:

Winter, early and late season: 12:00-15:00
High season (July, August): 10.00-03.00 or depending on how long you can keep your eyes open…

Pantelis und Konstantinos Kastanias, Vater und SohnWe design and produce ourselves and support small traditional artisan handicraft manufacturers.

Here you will find handmade mementos, traditional gifts, jewelry, T-shirts and souvenirs that will accompany you home and keep the memory of Ikaria alive.

ΠU since 1986

Unser Logo PUThe Greek letter P stands for Pantelis and the Latin letter U for Ursula

1986 Eros, the god of love, united us, me Swiss, Pantelis Ikarian, and made us follow our dreams. ΠU became our symbol.
We opened our first small gift store with local handicrafts in Armenistis. This was at a time when it really took vision and a lot of idealism to believe in tourism on a small unknown island like Ikaria and to create prospects for the locals.
Soon we moved our business to Christos Raches because we always wanted to be in the center of the Ikaria Blue Zones, the village where the locals teach you the wisdom of longevity and simple living. The art of minimalism. Our two children grew up in this healthy environment and are now part of our small family business.

Here you can find our shop on Google Maps and get directions to us.

By the way, we have a fan page on Facebook where you can always follow the latest news – Fanpage

Das ultimative Ikaria T-Shirt

The ultimate Ikaria T-shirt, designed by my daughter Selina Kastanias. You can find the Ikarian Evolution shirts alongside many other cool Ikaria souvenirs, shirts, hoodies, ceramics, natural soaps and handmade silver jewelry in our shop. But we also ship them all over the world…

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