Xenia introduces herself
“My name is Xenia, I am Austrian-Greek, born in Austria and came to Athens when I was 8 years old. My mother is Austrian, my father is Greek and since neither Austria nor Greece felt like my 100% home, I wanted to try to put down roots on the island of Ikaria. Here I spend a lot of time with nature and especially with the hiking trails and beekeeping. I longed for a slower pace of life and not only wanted to live close to nature, but also set up my job there In the last few years in Athens I had worked alongside a homeopath and also often took part in herbal seminars and herbal hikes and I can now wonderfully intertwine this with my current job.
I now also have a little son and am happy to be able to raise him in such a harmonious place. Having the opportunity to go to the beach and swim at least 6 months of the year, collecting figs in summer and chestnuts, nuts and wild mushrooms in autumn, growing your own garden and having your own chickens, goats or pigs, all of this would be in Athens or another big city not possible.
The fact that the road network on the island is not that good is actually a blessing and not a problem. Because in this way many areas are protected from mass tourism. Many sights such as the wild waterfalls, old water mills, hidden gorges or abandoned villages can only be reached on foot and there is a satisfactory network of hiking trails.
For more information and interest in guided tours, please leave a message to Xenia below.

Mobil sein ist alles!
Ikaria ist sehr weitläufig und es gibt keine ÖV. Auch wenn dich die Wanderlust und die Freude am Bouldern packt, ist nicht alles zu Fuß zu schaffen, und du verpasst die schönsten Blue Zones Wanderungen oder Ausflugsziele wie das Klösterchen Onufrios oder den Strand von Seichelles. Also empfehle ich unbedingt zumindest zeitweise einen Leihwagen. Ikaria´s Natur ist einfach unbeschreiblich! Um die schönsten Orte in der ikarischen Wildnis zu entdecken, musst du dich auf den Weg machen. Dazu findest du hier die besten Wander- und Strassenkarten.
Xenia’s tours
Hike “Kerame-Droutsoulas-Akamatra”
Duration: 3-4 hours – From Kerame through beautiful landscape uphill to Droutsoulas and then through the old village of Droutsoulas to Akamatra, where you can then drink coffee or something else in the quiet village square.
Small beekeeping seminar
Duration: 1 hour per group – In small groups of 5 people each, you will be shown what a beehive looks like from the inside and how the bees work on the honeycomb and the most important information about beekeeping and the life of bees. See also: Fascination with beekeeping
Hike “The Elves’ Path”
Duration: 5-6 hours – A hike through a very varied landscape that starts at Lapsachades and ends in Kampos. The trail gets its name from the fact that in some places you actually walk through a tunnel of vegetation, so you often expect an elf or dwarf to pop out from behind a tree at any moment. During the hike there will be a coffee break at the Theoktisti monastery.
Small herbal seminar
Duration: 2 hours – A few words about the island’s medicinal herbs, their use and effects and the production of healing creams from St. John’s wort oil.
Hike “Profitis Ilias-Raxounia-Dipotama-Christos”
Duration 3-4 hours – From Profitis Ilias you take a beautiful hiking trail through a pine and oak forest to the impressive Raxounia waterfall, then through an extraordinary stone landscape and after about 1 hour you walk downhill finally to the Chalaris River, where small lakes form where you can refresh yourself wonderfully. Then it’s not quite as steep uphill again to Christos.
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